Thursday, 14 April 2016

Zughetti Prawn Aglio Olio

~Zughetti Aglio Olio Udang

Assalamualaikum and Hello everyone!!

Zucchini is a type of summer squash, but in the culinary context it is treated as vegetable. Myself always mistaken it as cucumber, Japanese cucumber to be exact. The fact that zucchini is low in calorie make it a good replacement for dieting. Hundreds grams of fresh zucchini is contain approximately 17 food calories. 

Zucchini-noodle, Zoodle, Zughetti
To make this zucchini noodle, you can use spiralizer but in my case, i just using julienne peeler.


  1. Clean the zucchini. Cut both end.
  2. By using the julienne peeler, go to the first edge and peel it downward to the other end until finally get like long match stick size noodle. Be careful not to cut your finger.
  3. Put some salt, and let the water came out.
  4. Toss the water.
  5. You can eat it raw or you can saute it with 1 tablespoon olive oil on medium heat pan for 3-5 minutes. The serve with any sauce you like.   

Today I cooked this zucchini noodle as spaghetti so I called it Zughetti. I cooked it with Aglio Olio recipe.


  • 1 cup Zucchini noodle- Zughetti cooked
  • 3 cloves garlic-minced
  • 1/3 cup carrot- julienne
  • 1/3 cup prawn
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • olive oil
  1. Heat the frying pan, Put 2 table spoon olive oil
  2. Put in garlic and fry it until slightly brown.
  3. Then put in carrot and shrimp until it change colour.
  4. Later put in the zughetti and season it with salt and pepper. Cook for another 1-2 minutes.
  5. Now it ready to enjoy.

I hope you can try this recipe.

Wassalam and Bye-bye.

Mama Long

Monday, 4 April 2016

Mixed Veggie; Capsicum and Musroom

~ Sayur campur; Capsicum dan Cendawan

Asslamualaikum and Hello to everyone!!

Additional to my eggplant omelette, I also cook very simple mixed veggie. Capsicum is good for health and can increase our metabolism. I will share with you the benefit in Nutri facts later.

Lets start!

  • 1/2 medium size yellow onion- sliced
  • 1/2 cup Capsicum - Julian
  • 1/2 cup mushroom
  • 2 small size tomato
  • Olive oil
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • 1/4 lemon
  1. Pre-heat the frying pan. Put 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  2. Fry the onion until it become transparent. then put in the capsicum.
  3. Put in the tomato, fried until the tomato slightly soften, season with salt and pepper
  4. Remove from the heat.
  5. Before serving, add juice of 1/4 lemon. stir it until well combine.
  6. Then serve and enjoy..

It soo simple right!!

See you next time.

Wassalam and Bye-bye.

Mama Long

Eggplant Omelette

~ Omelet Terung

Assalamualaikum and Hello everyone!!

What for lunch tomorrow? As I'm planning my diet program, I search a lot of recipe and most important is healthy recipe. I try to incorporated a lot of veggie in my recipe and reduce my carbohydrate intake.

For tomorrow lunch, I decided to eat eggplant omelette and mixed veggie. I prefer to bring my home cook meal than buying out side. I can cut cost, cut your lunch hour time and further more you can control what you eat (i.e; oil, salt, sugar and seasoning).


  • 1 Large eggplant
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1/2 Onion medium size
  • 1/3 capsicum medium size
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Olive oil
  1. Cover the eggplant with 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Make some hole by poking the skin with fork. 
  2. Grill in Oven for 15 minutes at 200oC. Or you can  fire roast it for 10 minutes.

3. Carefully peel the charred skin from the eggplant.

4. In the large bowl. Beat 2 eggs with salt and pepper. Than mixed in together capsicum, onion and         garlic.
5. Submerge the whole eggplant. Originally, this recipe usually the keep the eggplant stem so that the     omelette will reshape the eggplant. But this time I cut it smaller a size of burger patty.

6. Heat the non-stick fry pan on the medium heat, put some olive oil to fry the omelette.
7. Lay the egg-soaked eggplant into the pan, then pour the rest of the beaten egg.
8. Once the eggplant is firm enough, fold the side over. keep for around 3 minutes until it brown and       cooked.

9. After both side are perfectly brown and cook. Removed it from the heat.
10. Enjoy it with ketchup, chilies or soy sauce.

It so simple and nice. I should put it in between toast and make a eggplant sandwich (maybe next time).

I hope you guys can try and enjoy my recipe.

Wassalam and Bye-bye.

Mama Long

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Detox Drink; Apple Cider Vinegar with Honey and Lemon

~Cuka Epal dengan Madu dan Lemon

Assalamualaikum and Hello to everyone!!

Last post I shared to you about the benefit of Apple Cider Vinegar. It is good if you can drink the Apple cider on they own, but I can never do that (I tried, few times). So, to enjoy the benefit, lets make a simple drink from it.

  • 2 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon Honey
  • 1/4 lemon - juice
  • 1 cup water
Mixed all together, make sure the honey is dilute. If you feel the apple cider is too strong, u can reduce it. If you want more stronger taste, you can add a dash of cayenne pepper or cinnamon, or both. they also have some health benefit ( I'll share it later).

Serve hot of cold.

Very simple right. Enjoy it in the morning, before you eat your breakfast.

I hope you enjoy it.

Wassalam and Bye-bye.

Mama Long's Cooking.

Apple Cider Vinegar

~ Cuka Apple

Assalamualaikum and Hello everyone!. Recently, I do a lot of reading to improve my health and I come across a lot of information about natural ingredients that can improve our health. As we know, OBESITY is current number 1 problem in the whole world, as well as in MALAYSIA. Obesity can cause a lot medical problems that can lead to morbidity and mortality. Yeah... food is essential to our body, but we need to choose it wisely.

A lot of people already know about the goodness of Apple Cider Vinegar. I just recently know about this GOOD NUTRITION, but it never to late to start, right!. Since I start using this, I feel much better and it improve my digestive system. I also sweat a lot, not only because now is hot season but even if I do simple exercise I'll sweat more than before (difficult to sweat last time :(. ) I hope it shows that my metabolism is improving.

There are a lot of Apple Cider Vinegar in the market. Make sure that you choose the one with the 'Mother'. It is the non purified and unfiltered apple cider. Last time when I see this product, I thought it is ruin or expired. Actually, that is where the benefit came from. Please don't buy the clear colour apple cider. There are less benefit for you. Organic unfiltered apple cider like Bragg's are the most common brand used. In Malaysia, you can fine this product at Jaya Grocer, but not all branch have this brand in hand. As long as the product is murky, and labeled with the 'Mother' it should be fine.

Health Benafit of Apple Cider Vinegar:
  • Detox
  • Weight Lost
  • Energy Boost
  • Digestive Aids
  • Clear Sinuses
  • Soar Throat
  • Diabetic Prevention
  • Lower Cholesterol

It also can benefit you at home as Non-toxic cleaner and Weed Killer.

For Beauty:
  • Facial Toner and Cleanser
  • Hair treatment of dandruff
  • As Deodorant
  • Stop Smelly Feet
  • Teeth whitener

And you can enjoy this benefit by adding Apple cider vinegar to:
  • Juice
  • Food
  • Salad
  • Soup
  • Detox Drinks..
However, this product is not miracle or "cure all' like some people believe. Take it in moderation. Other health benefit and information you can find it in this link

Thank you for reading. I hope you can get some benefit from this page.

Wassalam and Bye-bye.

Mama Long