Assalamualaikum and Hello everyone!. Recently, I do a lot of reading to improve my health and I come across a lot of information about natural ingredients that can improve our health. As we know, OBESITY is current number 1 problem in the whole world, as well as in MALAYSIA. Obesity can cause a lot medical problems that can lead to morbidity and mortality. Yeah... food is essential to our body, but we need to choose it wisely.
A lot of people already know about the goodness of Apple Cider Vinegar. I just recently know about this GOOD NUTRITION, but it never to late to start, right!. Since I start using this, I feel much better and it improve my digestive system. I also sweat a lot, not only because now is hot season but even if I do simple exercise I'll sweat more than before (difficult to sweat last time :(. ) I hope it shows that my metabolism is improving.
There are a lot of Apple Cider Vinegar in the market. Make sure that you choose the one with the 'Mother'. It is the non purified and unfiltered apple cider. Last time when I see this product, I thought it is ruin or expired. Actually, that is where the benefit came from. Please don't buy the clear colour apple cider. There are less benefit for you. Organic unfiltered apple cider like Bragg's are the most common brand used. In Malaysia, you can fine this product at Jaya Grocer, but not all branch have this brand in hand. As long as the product is murky, and labeled with the 'Mother' it should be fine.
Health Benafit of Apple Cider Vinegar:
- Detox
- Weight Lost
- Energy Boost
- Digestive Aids
- Clear Sinuses
- Soar Throat
- Diabetic Prevention
- Lower Cholesterol
It also can benefit you at home as Non-toxic cleaner and Weed Killer.
For Beauty:
- Facial Toner and Cleanser
- Hair treatment of dandruff
- As Deodorant
- Stop Smelly Feet
- Teeth whitener
- Juice
- Food
- Salad
- Soup
- Detox Drinks..
However, this product is not miracle or "cure all' like some people believe. Take it in moderation. Other health benefit and information you can find it in this link
Thank you for reading. I hope you can get some benefit from this page.
Wassalam and Bye-bye.
Mama Long
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